Its been exactly 1 year since i've posted and my blog and I feel horrible about it. I hate being half baked and inconsistent. Anyway, a year has passed and a lot of changes have been made in my life specifically on my overall physical health. Before I divulge on that I just want to explain why i'm including this in my blog. Looking good is synonymous to feeling good and feeling good pertains to how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally. Following a healthy lifestyle balances these 3 aspects of feeling good. This is why I am now incorporating healthy lifestyle tips, recipes, workout routines, etc. Also, a ton my friends have been asking me for weight loss advice and for my recipes so I thought of integrating it here to hopefully inspire all of you to start a healthy lifestyle too! :)
The classic before and after photo! :)
Me 50 lbs heavier a year ago! Yikes.
A year ago, I never included myself in my blogposts because I was insecure and I believed that posting myself wouldn't attract followers because of how fat I was. Yes, this was a completely screwed up mindset because beauty isn't determined by size but I knew to myself that I would never feel good about my self image if I didn't make a change. So I did it! I erased grains (rice, bread, pasta and the like), sugar, alcohol, and fried compeletely! I started experimenting on vegetables, fruits and protein. I didn't want myself to feel like I was on a diet because I knew to myself that if I went on the tasteless and boring road of dieting, I wouldn't last long. So I researched and experimented on healthy food for months til I reached a loss of 30 lbs!
I was so so happy and motivated with my results which lead me to joining the 7 ways to sexy fitness challenge! It was a weight loss contest by freego to be lead by Erwan Heusaff the fat kid inside and Coach John Aquino of the house of pain. They we're both our mentors in eating clean and exercising. I've learned so much from this challenge and gained new sisters aka my freego friends hahaha love them to bits! The duration of the challenge was 40 days and in those forty days we we're required to submit our daily intake of food to Erwan and the 6 other girls at our WhatsApp group and we we're also given 8 sessions at the house of pain. the 40 days have past and i've lost a total of 20 lbs and dropped 10% of body fat in the challenge so in total ive lost 50 lbs! I am eternally grateful for the opportunity given to me and now im down to my last 50 lbs to lose! Yes, I want to lose a total of 100 lbs and hopefully adding my progress, tips, recipes, workout routines etc to my blog will help me in reaching this goal! I'll still be posting new looks for hair and makeup but now i'll be integrating a health and wellness portion too! :)

A compilation of some the food I ate within the 40 days! I'll be sharing the recipes soon :)
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